About Wanas

About Us ?

It is believed that everyone enjoys a share of their name! Wanas means warmth, faith, company, love, and care. That is what we aim to achieve at Wanas!

The first step was to look around and find where the huge gap is. It lies in the power of communication; hence, the introduction of new roles in providing patients with the care they need. 

With the outstanding growth and the need for more, we evolved into a registered charity that is the first of its kind, a medical proxy!

“Wanas Foundation” added empowerment through education along with support for healthcare needs to extend the support to those who need to enhance their future.

Our Story ?

It all started with a case that happens every day and could have easily ended the same way they all do, except this time! We received a plea for help powered by only faith from a man who suffered from a rare type of cancer; his only chance of survival was to find treatment in France. At this point, we did what we could which was to post on social media for help, and to our amazement, it has gone viral and his case was widely shared to the point where a sponsor came forward. The story didn’t end here, but it merely began since a flood of desperate cases came pouring into our inbox all with the hope that we can do the same and help them connect with the right medical care. Then, all the pieces fell into place with the realization that social media can make a difference in people’s lives. Hence, the power of social media platforms was born. “The Power of Social Media” has helped hundreds of people throughout 5 years reaching one fact, the most important frontlines to be present in is Physical Health and Awareness. We wanted to provide something for everyone! Do you ask yourself how to be part of this? How can you contribute to better lives? For starters, endorse us! Do you think this is a small thing? It isn’t. Major impacts come from the sum of all small ones over time.

Our Vision

Sustained Wellbeing and Growth for all

Our Mission

To raise, connect and consolidate resources for everyone’s wellbeing and growth, through adopting a leading and integrated model in the work of Civil health, in line with sustainable development mechanisms

Our values




Well-being advocacy
